Mar 1856

A Discourse by Elder Daniel H. Wells, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, March 9, 1856.
A Discourse by Elder Daniel H. Wells, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, March 9, 1856.
Speech by Elder G. A. Smith, Delivered in the Bowery, Great Salt Lake City, July 4, 1855.
An Address by President Heber C. Kimball, Delivered at the General Conference, in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, October 6, 1854.
An Address by Elder George A. Smith, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, October 6, 1854.
A Discourse by President H. C. Kimball, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, July 16, 1854.
A Discourse by President Brigham Young, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, July 4, 1854.
A Speech by Elder Orson Hyde, Delivered in Great Salt Lake City, July 4, 1853.